My drawing is about Laziness
You see, Instead of answering her math homework she's doodling, she's probably thinking of something.
.Laziness will lead you to NOTHING
Here are some famous quotes about laziness:
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. ~Jules Renard
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.” ~Benjamin Franklin
Juan Tamad (Lazy John) A classical Philippine story
Here are some parts where his laziness was shown
Juan's mom once told him to go to the market to buy some crabs. He did but when he was on the way home, he saw some of his friends playing marbles. Sighing, he set the crabs free in a nearby stream and said, "Now you go home straight to Mother, y'hear?" ~*too much eh*
Another...Once he had to deliver pots to town. Unfortunately, to do that, he had to cross a very narrow bamboo bridge. As he was too lazy to sally forth two pots at a time, he bore a hole into each pot, threaded a rope through them and successfully made his way across with the pots slung around his shoulder.
He felt hungry at that time.So he had gone near to the guava tree to find some guavas.Eventually he found only one.Juan Tamad is so lazy that he wants the guava to be his without even climbing the tree.So he thinked of a plan(here comes the good part)He lied down to the ground.Opened his mouth.And had waited the guava to fall downright up to his mouth...
I hoped you'all learned a lesson here.
Thanks for reading.